But now I have no choice. Tomorrow, Google Reader bites the dust.
I've transferred all the blogs I follow to Bloglovin'. If you prefer a reader-type format to following blogs via email, (or if you never got around to following 52 Quilts!) here is how to transfer your own favorites to Bloglovin':
Go to www.bloglovin.com. Your screen will look like this:

Oh, look at that, a big, blue “join” button! Just what you were looking for. Click on it.

You can choose to set up an account with Facebook or by email. I chose email.
The next screen will look like this:

You will receive a verification email at the email address you provided. Click on the link in that email. I got my email immediately!

All of those blogs you follow with Google Reader? You can transfer them over to Bloglovin’ with the touch of a button! Click on “Import from Google Reader.”

You will need to give Bloglovin’ permission to access your blogs and move them over from Google. Click “Accept” and you’re all done and ready to start reading your favorite blogs with Bloglovin’!
While you're at it, why not click on that link in the right-hand column that reads "52 Quilts Facebook?" I often post photos of finished projects there before they hit the blog! Sadly, the Younger Son and blog co-author is incommunicado, so I can't ask him to update the "Subscribe" button until his summer deployment is over.
Here is the Bloglovin' link to 52 Quilts in 52 Weeks:
Because I'm lazy, I stole these directions from "not your momma's cookie." (You should totally look at her "Game of Thrones" themed desserts!) Thanks for making it easy for me, Jennifer!

Hey Aunt Marti - happy to see you back!