I'm thrilled with the way this is turning out. The only problem is, the tray on which my machine sits has a gouge in it (don't know how that happened) which makes the machine slip when it goes across that point. Which of course, makes the line crooked! Now that I know where it does that, I can adjust for it. But I have two lines of stitching that will have to be ripped out and re-sewn on the regular machine.
Three more quilts to add to my "ready to hand off" stack. The first one was a "Sunday is for Scraps" project. I quilted it to test a new polyester batting from Pellon. Poly batting is so much lighter than cotton! I think I will donate this one to the nursing home -- it is just the right size for a wheelchair quilt, and it is lightweight enough that it won't be uncomfortable on a lap.
I am really proud of this next quilt. It is a Fat Quarter Fun project from early this year, "On a Slant." I used the January Color Palette colors in Kona cottons (blogged here).
I quilted it with a spiky meander and used a multi-colored King Tut thread:
I love this quilting design with the geometric shapes of this quilt!
The third quilt this week is going in the "someday my boys will get married and I'll have another granddaughter" cache:
It is a Modern Quilt Relish design, "TV Dinner." I used Moda's "In the Meadow" charm pack, so I'm calling it "TV Dinner in the Meadow."
I'm getting better at quilting flowers! I experimented with ric rac and Susie's Magic Binding. I decided to round the corners rather than try to miter the ric rac.
I took photos of the ric rac binding technique and it will be a Tuesday Tutorial someday.
Linking up to Thank Goodness it's Finished Friday at Quokka Quilts.
Tomorrow is another Fat Quarter Fun class. We're making a Mary Ellen Hopkins design, "Nine to Five." This color is a hint of my fabric choices -- can't wait to show you!
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