Last week at quilt camp was the "big reveal." Excitement grew when we saw how Lori hid the quilts behind blankets labeled "No Peeking."
Eight quilt tops were hidden behind those blankets, and Lori had them pinned down tight so it was impossible to even lift a corner!
The first quilt revealed belongs to Carol, who winters in Arizona. I added a row of "state flower" fabric with sagebrush (for Idaho) and yucca (for Arizona.):
Next is Carol Anne's romantic shades of lavendar -- I made the little baskets row:
I was almost late with Lori's purple and green quilts, lucky I already knew how to make the baskets:
I love the applique'd words Lori added to Martha's quilt:
Remember my Tuesday Tutorial showing the blocks on Kathy's quilt?
I loved making the pinwheel row for Kathy B's quilt while I was at retreat last Fall:
(Kathy, I'm really sorry I didn't get a photo of your complete quilt!)
I thought these "sunrise" blocks went well with Thia's gold-and-blue quilt:
Here is "my" quilt. I call it "My Happy Place," because Payette Lake is indeed "my happy place." I love every single row my Idaho friends added, and I will treasure this quilt and the memories it evokes.
I love my Idaho quilt camps!
Next week I'll publish the road trip report -- three shops I've never visited before!
From the desk of your