Are you ready to "start" the next "finish?" It's:
I've been busily sewing summer tops to wear during the hot Texas summer, so no quilt finishes for me this month. But some of you sent some great finish photos in!
The first finish is actually two finishes from Debra.
Aren't these colors pretty? Here's what Debra says about this quilt:
Missouri Quilt Co. offers "Daily Deals" of fabrics they are showcasing and with that they offer tutorials of quilts to make with the deals. I saw this quilt and just had to make one. It is called Phoebe's Flower Box Quilt on Youtube, but mine is called My Mosaic Quilt. The colors are so similar I needed to have something that would highlight each block via a sashing. To obtain the pattern for this quilt go yo and query Phoebe's Flower Box Quilt. If you keep searching you will find a lot of different quilts offered by Missouri Quilt Co.You're right, Deb -- I love the Daily Deals from Missouri Star Quilt Co. And if you ever get a chance to visit their shop(s) in Hamilton, MO, jump at it! They are so nice and ooooh! the fabric!
Debra's second finish is called "Fourth of July," a free pattern from Bonnie Hunter at Quiltville. Click on the "Free Patterns" tab and you'll find lots of great, free patterns!
I always get a kick out of Sandi's "Kwilts."
Here is the story behind "Krossways"
Krossways (thanks to Janet O. for the name) was finished this past Saturday. I knew when I pulled fabrics from my stash that my Pinwheel Pizzazz project would not be as large. This was okay with me...nice to try a new design. I have quite a few large quilts so Krossways finishing smaller was great. What I hadn't planned on was the light purple fabric running out before the cream. My project finished 36" x 48". I really like how the medium purple and dark blue appear to "squiggle". Very clever square on a rectangle process that Lenna Spanner designed.
Here is a link to my blog to learn more kwiltnkats: Sunday Stash Report, June 28, 2015
It's gorgeous, Sandi -- I'll have to try this clever technique!
Nancy had quite the "sewing adventure" this month. Here is a mini she finished for her granddaughter:
And she comments:
It is called Cat Weave and it was from The Sewing Chick website.
I had bought a fat quarter bundle off Massdrop of the cat fabric and it was perfect for this project.
Nancy's story of her #10 finish made me laugh:
After we got the UFO number for the month I went looking for the project, which I finally found then I looked for the instructions which I did find a week later. That project did not get finished this month. I got so close. I will get it finished, just not this month.
When I was not searching for items I did work on my flannel quilt and did get it sewn together.
So I did get something done. Just not what I had planned on doing.
That's one of my favorite fabric collections, Nancy. And thanks for the giggle!
Mary J also has two finishes this month:
Here is my June donation quilt, which should have been an easy finish but was totally redesigned. I'll publish about the re-design on Sunday (July 5), but for now here's the finished top.
Second, the UFO with the actual number for this month is an improvised fish quilt I started 2 years ago. The goal for the month was just to do SOMETHING about it. I blogged about that here:
Luckily I got several good suggestions from readers of my blog, so I'll be finishing it completely soon. (Maybe in time to send next month?) Meanwhile, I HAVE done something to get going on it, so that is my "finish"! Sometimes you've just got to celebrate the small gains
You're so right, Mary! And these are both worth celebrating!
Gill has also had a busy summer, remodeling and adding on to their home. Can you believe she found time to finish this bed-sized quilt?
It's 2.6 meters square -- that's 102" to Americans! King size! Lovely, Gill, and congrats on the new space!
Last Minute Additions
I am so sorry, I missed these two last-minute adds to the parade! They are worth waiting for, I promise you!
First, Martha made this memory quilt of kimonos made as a memory quilt for a friend. The kimonos were purchased at the Freer Museum in Washington, DC by the friend's husband.
Here is a closeup of the fabrics, isn't it lovely?
What a kind gesture, Martha! I'm sure your friend will treasure this quilt.
And Glorijean is getting ready for Christmas with this cutie:
Eight -- no, ten! finishes is pretty good for the first month of summer! Mr. Random Number Generator chose Debra as the winner of this month's parade -- so, Debra, send me your mailing address, I have some goodies for you!
Happy Canada Day to my Canadian followers, and Happy Independence Day to my American followers. Blog posts may be thin on the ground this month, but I'll be looking forward to seeing what you all finish during July!
From the desk of your