Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunday Scraps and Giveaway Winner

The scrap bin is overflowing -- to the extent I bought another one, which is now filled to overflowing!

Top level of scrap bin:
Scrap bin 2:

 Two more scrap bins!

I decided to set my trusty kitchen timer to 23 minutes and cut scraps for that length of time.  After two 23-minute sessions, I haven't made a dent in the scrap bin!

I cut my scraps into 5", 4.5", 3.5", 2.5", 2", and 1.5" squares, and 2.5" and 1.5" strips.  I know some people sort their scraps by color, but I find I rarely make a scrap quilt of a specific color.  So I sort mine by size.

Today, however, I am keeping the purple scraps aside.  My next Scrap Squad quilt will be purple!

Since no 52 Quilts blog post is complete without a photo of a quilt, here is one from way back -- the 14th quilt I pieced in 2010.  It's called "Line Art," by Brenda Henning.

Are you waiting patiently to discover the winner of the "Dishcloth Diva" book?

The Random Number Generator chose commenter #15:

Who is another Debra, who wrote:

Since Debra's email has a return email addy, I can send her the PDF immediately.  Congratulations, Debra!

I hope you'll come back tomorrow and see my (I hope) big pile o' scraps that I cut today!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature


  1. Congratulations to Debra! I need to sort some scraps ... sometime! :oD

  2. What made you choose 23 minutes? I have to admit, I am a very regulated person when it comes to choosing time intervals, I usually go with 10 or 15 minute increments.

  3. Hmmm ... scraps. :) I love hearing how other people tackle theirs. I sorted through mine yesterday - I keep ALL bits no matter how small and they were everywhere so it was nice to get them tamed again!

  4. I wonder how many 23 minute sessions you are going to need for that lot???

  5. Wow, you've got a serious scrap issue there my friend! Might have to do a little bit of scrap sorting more often by the sounds of it!

  6. thank you for the book. I am going to try to knit one this week. I love the one with cables in it.

  7. That is a major scrap pile and it is going to take a lot of 23 minute sessions to get it under control! It's what makes quilting so much fun the fact that even small pieces can be used. I'm saving my scrap box sorting until the Easter holiday and then I may get time to make something as well as sort it out. Good luck with your sorting and cutting.

  8. Great minds think alike! I have the very same fabric bucket (from Target) for my scraps. It's not nearly as full as yours.


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