Friday, January 11, 2013

A Friday Finish

Before I introduce today's finish, remember when I wrote about washing the February Jelly Roll Party sample here?

Believe it or not, the red didn't run.  Not one bit.  The Color Catcher Sheets didn't even turn the least pink!

I know the hearts are kind of cliche', but I love a red and white quilt!  We'll be making this one at Ruth's Stitchery for the February 1st Jelly Roll Party.  If you're in the area, come join us.  If you're not, you can call Ruth's and order the pattern.

Most of my sewing this week has been sample-sewing for 100 Blocks Magazine and assorted block parties. So I can't show my work!  (Always my nemesis in math class.)

However, I did finish the March Jelly Roll Party sample!

This is "Lucky Charms," another Cozy Quilts pattern.  I used the Tonga Treasures Tonga Treats batik jelly roll "Gumdrops."  Yes, I bought mine at Ruth's!  The borders are green prints from the same collection, with an inner border of black and white stripe from my "stripey binding" bin.  Rather than use the white background for the pinwheel blocks recommended in the pattern, I used fat quarters of black on white prints. Once again, taking a photo shows how the colors do (or don't!) show up against the background.  I'm taking this one to my favorite long-armer, Ann, to do a shamrock-panto quilt design.

Linking up to Richard and Tanya's "Link a Finish Friday" and "Thank Goodness it's Finished Friday," hosted this week by Diane at "From Blank Pages."

Speaking of finishes -- My Little Sailor, and blog co-author, has some time off this weekend.  Maybe he'll get a button loaded for the 13 in 2013 challenge!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature


  1. The red and white heart quilt is gorgeous!

  2. Cliché or not, your heart quilt is lovely!

  3. How amazing is that? No running with your reds - its a miracle! Love your Lucky Charms quilt - love brights in quilts and that is gorgeous!

  4. Love.The.Heart.Quilt! Oh wow, I must make that!!!!

    Lucky Charms is colorful and fun and cute too!!! :)

  5. Oh wow, and I just noticed...your Sailor made a neat new header for your blog!! WTG!!!

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. I'll bet you are relieved about the reed & white. Looking forward to the new button/logo.

  8. The quilts are fantastic. I also love red and white they are amazing. Love the batik quilt love the fantastic colors they come in. Thanks for linking up.

    Richard and Tanya Quilts
    Track My Shows


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