Thursday, March 19, 2015

Thursdays are for Knitting (and kittens!)

My knitting goal this year is to knit 52 Hats for Sailors. Since it only takes about one afternoon and one evening to knit a hat, I should be able to reach my goal!

Here are the two most recent hats.

#21 is a color test for a wishlist cardigan. The cardigan is the Marysville Cardigan from the book Modern Country Knits: 30 Designs from Juniper Moon Farm. I love these colors, and the two-color design is really easy to knit.

I just saw a new book, Cats in Hats, today. It looks like Samosa want a hat for himself! Wendy Knits has a review of the book on her blog where you can see some more cute kitty headgear.

The second hat was knit for Pi day, March 14. If you're a math geek, you'll notice the number of knitted rows represent the digits of Pi: 3.1415926535. The white row is the decimal point. I ran out of stitches before I could complete the 11th decimal place.

Details are on my Ravelry project page, where my user name is AuntMarti.

From the desk of your auntmartisignature


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