A long-time friend hosts a cookie exchange each December. And she usually has an "ugly Christmas sweater" contest -- who can find the ugliest of the ugly Christmas sweaters? I've won several times! [And the prize is always a bottle of something delish!]
So when I saw Lorna's "Ugly Christmas Sweater QAL" on her blog, Sew Fresh Quilts, I knew I had to make this quilt!
I have 16 of the 20 blocks made:
This is my favorite block:
I love the way the birds show up in the background.
I cut out all the pieces before I went on vacation last month. That is the way to get a quilt pieced quickly -- I just started making the blocks last week, and I should have all 20 finished by tonight! These blocks are addictive, it's just so fun to see how each will turn out!
Lorna used a wide-long three-step zig zag to quilt her quilt. I've been trying to visualize how to do that as a "quilt as you go" method. I think I'll piece each row together, quilt them, then join the rows. I used this method for "Strip to Shore" awhile back, and it turned out very nice.
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