Here is my #4 UFO, an oldie from the 2006 Thangles Buck-a-Block series:
I have nine of the twelve blocks made, so this should be a pretty quick finish.
And now:
In no particular order, here are the finished projects. Remember, you decided what is finished for your project -- whether it be pieced, quilted, bound, or not even a quilt at all, you are in command!First up, and I think the first reported finish, Debbi tied this excellent example of curved piecing:
Deb totally wins the "longest held UFO" prize. She reports she started this variation of "Robbing Peter to Pay Paul" in the 1970s!
Next, Sooli's "Blooming Aussies" blogged here:
#3 is by a Fellow Quilt Camper from Idaho:
Deb started this beauty in 2002 as one of her first quilting projects. Minnesota Ladyslippers -- see blog post here.
Sandi at KwiltnKats finished her Easy Street Mystery! She made a few changes, read her blog post here.
Karen finished this gorgeous Bonnie Hunter "Patches and Pinwheels." It's a free pattern, so if you love it as much as I do, you can make one, too!
I have to post two photos of Elizabeth's masterpiece. She made this for her parents -- wow! Here is what Elizabeth wrote about this "Labor of Love":
This is the "Christmas Beast" that I made for my parents. I purchased the material and started in August 2011 and finished and delivered it January 27, 2013. This was definitely a labour of love with lots of learning a long the way. This is only my fourth quilt that I have ever made but I feel like I've gained huge skill through this experience. I'm showing the top plus the back so you can get a sense of the detailed quilting I did on it.
Just look at the quilting on this beauty! Additional details at her blog post, here.
Nurse Jessi has been busy this month! Look at this incredible Hexie project she calls "Hexies out the Wahzoo!" This isn't her only project this month, go to her blog and see what else she has been up to.
Here is another "Easy Street," this one from Debra:
Debra apologizes for not being able to get the whole quilt in the photo -- it's just too big. Right on, Deb!
My Best Blogging Buddy, Susan, from Australia, completed this adorable turtle pincushion from fellow Aussie, Anni Downs:
Click on the photo so you can see the detail of the fabrics Susan used. Or go to her blog post, here.
Every challenge has to have an over-achiever. Lynette completed not only her #5 UFO, but her "bonus UFO," #13 as well!
First, Marissa's Moment of Caprice:
Here is what Lynette says about this quilt:
The most work-intensive: Marissa's Moment of Caprice, started summer of 2010. It's twin-size, a personal design, and free-motion quilted on a domestic machine. The heart flowers are yo-yo's sewn on upside down with a little fiberfill in them. The pinwheels have opalescent buttons in their centers, and I quilted secret messages for my daughter on each side. It's blogged here.And, "Heather's Synergistic Windmills," begun in 2009 and worked on "in fits and starts" since. Blogged here.
Irene finished this beauty -- I'm pretty sure that is hand quilting in the border! The purple rectangles are to hold photos. Won't this be something when she gets the photos inserted?
Look at this! Just under the wire, Elizabeth of More than a Mom sent me a photo of her second UFO finish for January. Be sure to go to her blog post here to see how she uses this very cool messenger bag.
And last, but not least, a colorful Irish Chain from friend Carol in Idaho (via Airzona). I can't wait to see how this one is quilted!
Thanks for coming by to see all the January UFOs, and thank you especially to everyone who played along. Next month, I hope to have a better system for keeping track of all your submissions. I sure hope I didn't miss anyone, but if I did, let me know please and I'll update the post! I'll be away at Quilt Retreat this weekend, so I'll announce the giveaway winner from among all the finishers on Monday.
From the desk of your