Happy August! I'm on a quilting vacay in my home state of Idaho. The number for August's UFO is the color of the sky in central Idaho.
I actually (!) have a finish of my own to share, but it will have to wait until I get back to Colorado -- I can't figure out how to upload the photo from my new iphone. Doncha just love technology?
In the meanwhile, here are the July finishes by 52 Quilts followers.
Becky finished not one, but
two quilts using the Tonga Treats strip pack she won in the 52 Quilts
600 followers giveaway. There are more than 1000 followers now!
Becky reports:
You will be so happy about my July finish for the August UFO Parade! Not only is it already done and it's only the first week of July, but do remember that Tonga Treats pack that I won waaay back in March 2015 in your 600 posts give away? It finally is two completed bargello wall hangings! Here they are hanging in my office at work. I love how even though they are the exact same pattern the color placement makes them look so different. The motion is mesmerizing!
So now when you're gazing off in the distance, Becky, you can actually be thinking about quilts!
Ethel had a busy July, not just quilt-wise, but work-wise. Congrats on the promotion, Ethel!
First up, Ethel tells me:
(This) quilt was inspired by a pattern I found on "Quiltville" called "Scrappy Mountains Majesties." I tweaked it to look like sawtooth blocks. I used less than one layer cake and some yardage (background) for this quilt. It ends up measuring 62" x 70".
This batik beauty is a Villa rosa design, "Wistful."
Ethel also writes,
"I have two more UFOs to finish and I think I'll be done for the year. I'm also trying to bust my stash (especially my 30s and my Kaffe stash). I'm also leaning more towards modern quilt patterns."
Only two more UFOs, Ethel? Incredible!
It's good to see Sandi back in the UFO saddle (can you tell I'm in Idaho, what with the cowboy references?). I'll let Sandi tell us about her three finishes:
Let me start with May's finish. Kayenne really got me off track. Yes it was a very big project, unfortunately it hit on a month where my Mom was visiting and a quilt retreat was happening. I did change direction on coloring. The gold-yellows were necessary in my opinion to make Kayenne shine and yet not overpowering the other elongated New York Beauty design. It is a bit larger of a project than I like to tackle these days. You can read more about this quilt through the links on my blog http://kwiltnkats.blogspot.com/search/label/Kayenne

Next is June's finish. Kookoo Katchu is a stab at applique work. I do like sitting and stitching the pieces that come together to create interesting designs. This project brought in piecing too, so the best of two techniques after all the foundation piecing of Kayenne. It was pretty relaxing while we binge watched episodes of two different shows on Netflix. If you wish to learn more about Kookoo Katchu a link for you http://kwiltnkats.blogspot.com/search/label/Kookoo%20Katchu
What allowed me to get back on track is that July's UFO was already finished. Kontentment is completely done. I just love the scalloped border. It really wasn't as difficult as you might think. More on Kontentment here http://kwiltnkats.blogspot.com/search/label/Kontentment
Sandi, I hope the August UFO #6 is a simple one, so you can stay on track!
All there is to say about Sue's July finish is: WOW! She writes this is a quilt made from block received in a block swap. She wanted it to be really colorful, so added the bright sashing. The quilt was supposed to finish as a single-bed size, but it turned out to be queen-sized!
Be sure to click on the second photo to see detail of the gorgeous quilting. And
here is a link to Sue's Quilty Bits and Bobs, so you can read all about it.
Kerry is right on the seasonal target with her July finish, "Uncle Sam." It's an oldie-but-goodie from Quiltmaker magazine July/August 2000!
Kerry tells the whole story
here at Kerry's Quilting.
I love it Kerry -- I'll have to ask my contacts at Quiltmaker if that pattern is still available!
Mary J's finish is one she has been working on for more than a year. It's "finally finished," all the way through the binding!
"Cherrywood Toss" was made using a scrap pack of Cherrywood hand-dyes. Yummy! Get the rest of the story at Zippy Quilts,
My Idaho quilter buddy, Martha, got a good start on this quilt while we stitched together in Stanley. She finished it at the
Boise Modern Quilt Guild's first retreat.
You can go to Atkinson Design's page,
here, to see many other color choices for Martha's quilt. But I think I like your's best, Martha!
Happy August finishing to you all, and keep those cards (photos) and letters (emails) coming!
From the desk of your