Saturday, February 28, 2015

A Quilt Block a Day: 3000 "Likes" Giveaway

It's a pain to host a giveaway on Facebook, so the "A Quilt Block a Day" Facebook page giveaway will be on this blog.

We're celebrating 3000 (plus!) "Likes" on the page.

Here's what "A Quilt Block a Day" is all about:

Can't find time to make a quilt? How about a block each day! Every season I'll showcase a new block and post a tutorial on my blog

No, you don't have to follow "52 Quilts" to win the giveaway! And you don't even have to "Like" the "A Quilt Block a Day" page on Facebook! In fact, you don't even have to use Facebook!

Here's the prize:

It's a jelly roll of Bonnie & Camille's new line, "Daysail." It's what I'm using to make the May Jelly Roll Party sample. 

Here is a look at the prints included in the jelly roll:

Of course, I'll include some extra goodies in the prize package -- but that will be a surprise!

Want to win? All you have to do is:
  1. Comment on this blog post. Tell me if you've visited "A Quilt Block a Day" on Facebook.
  2. If you're a no-reply blogger, please include contact info. If I can't find you, I can't send you the prize.
  3. My blog is set not to allow anonymous comments so that the robots cannot find me. If you do not have an ID, you can still enter by email at the address listed under "About Aunt Marti" in the right-hand column of this page and I will post your comment for you so you have a chance to win. 
  4. International entries welcome, of course!
  5. Giveaway ends Saturday, March 7 at midnight Mountain Standard Time. The winner will be announced on Sunday, March 8.
I hope you'll come back tomorrow for the UFO Parade!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature


  1. Since I am not a Facebook user I have only seen these lovely fabrics on your blog. Thanks for the chance to win them.

  2. I am a follower on facebook! Congratulations on reaching this milestone Marti!


  3. Thanks for the opportunity to win this beautiful fabric! I haven't visited "A Quilt Block a Day" yet but it sounds interesting so I will now.

  4. I just checked out the facebook page and I liked what I saw, although I can't "like" the page as I am not a facebook user. Congratulations on your milestone!

  5. I'm not on Facebook but still looking forward to your quilt block a day, Have learned a lot from your blog!

  6. I am not on FB often, so I may have missed the 'Quilt Block a Day'... Sounds like a great way to get something accomplished without a big commitment!!!

  7. I'm making a note to check out your block a day FB page (I really only use FB for those time sucking dumb games!) Love your blog, though.

  8. I found out about A Block a Day from your Blog. I tried it last spring with the Bethlehem Block. Almost a year later and I'm still working on my Bethlehem Blocks! Maybe I can try it again this year when spring starts. :)

  9. Oh yes I follow them on FB, it is such a fun idea :)

  10. I'm already liking you on Facebook. Congrats on 3000 likes. And thanks for the giveaway.

  11. I follow A Quilt Block A Day on Facebook. I'm working in my Log Cabin Blocks daily. I'm a few weeks behind, but enjoying it. Congrats on 3000 likes!

  12. Yes, I visited and liked you on FB. Love the log cabin quilt from Quilt Expressions that you posted. Thanks for the giveaway.

  13. I don't do the Facebook, etc etc stuff....but I like that I can visit...and I have visited... Love your Blog tho for sure!! :)

  14. I follow on Facebook ( Rhonda Gaines Desgranges).

  15. I follow on Facebook ( Rhonda Gaines Desgranges).

  16. Yep, I have your FB page liked, too! Fun to follow!

  17. Another terrific giveaway, I don't know how you keep up with it all! I've visited Quilt Block a Day on Facebook. One day I'll even join in!

  18. Thanks for the giveaway. Love your blog.

  19. I am a follower on Facebook. Love! Thanks for the giveaway.

  20. I have visited A Quilt Block A Day on Facebook. Congratulations on 3000 Likes!!! thank you for the very nice giveaway opportunity.

  21. I don't use Facebook so didn't view the info. It sounds like it will be posted on your usual blog so I'll wait to read the info. there. I am familiar with the format and have followed the progress for the past two block a day quilts. Thanks.

  22. I follow you on Fb, but when I visited your Fb page, I couldn't find the Block-a-day page. I've followed (but not joined in, alas) the progress here on your blog.

  23. I had a look at your facebook-page and I know some people here in Germany, who male a bock a day!
    Greetings, Rike

  24. Another wonderful giveaway!! I've visited Quilt Block a Day on Facebook.

    Thanks for the chance to win!!

  25. I visited on Facebook but I prefer to read everything on your blog. Love your blog. Thanks for the great giveaway. I've also shared your giveaway on my Giveaway List for sewers & quilters at Thanks again. (debbie at wowilikethat dot com)

  26. I visited on Facebook but I prefer to read everything on your blog. Love your blog. Thanks for the great giveaway. I've also shared your giveaway on my Giveaway List for sewers & quilters at Thanks again. (debbie at wowilikethat dot com)

  27. I visited you facebook page. Thanks for the opportunity of winning x

  28. I'm not a Facebook user, so I haven't visited the Facebook page. Thanks for giving us all an opportunity to win!

  29. I am a fan on Facebook. Love those colors...

  30. I do not have FB. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  31. I am glad you are doing this giveaway via your blog because I don't have a FB account. Thank you so much for the chance. Love the aqua.

  32. How exciting! I am enjoying the UFO challenge, but I'm up for a block a day too!

  33. Congrats on the 3000 likes! I don't play along with a block a day because I have too many other projects screaming for my attention but I do love to follow along and see how things are going.

  34. I love your blog and Facebook. I'm doing the Block a Day. My favorite so far is the star block quilt. Everyone wants one now. It's great that the points won't get cut off. Bonnie and Camille's fabrics rock. Thanks, I would love to win it.

  35. I love this fabric and just went to your Facebook page.

  36. Your Block-A-Day is such a great idea! I will be checking this out regularly. Thank you!


  37. Yay on your 3000 likes. Visited your facebook page as well. Love your blog and all you share with us. You have inspired me to do more even in a short amount of time. Thanks!

  38. I'm not on facebook, but I follow on Bloglovin'. Thanks for having the giveaway on your blog.

  39. Since I am not a Facebook user I have only seen these lovely fabrics on your blog.Congratulations on reaching this milestone Marti!
    Thanks for the chance to win!!
    greetings Frederika

  40. I follow you by email and have for a good while, but hadn't sussed you were on Facebook too, so will nip over there to see shortly and see what your up to on there as well
    Many many congratulations Marti!
    Thank you for the opportunity for overseas entries : )

  41. Congrats on your milestone reached. I follow your blog via Bloglovin but I am not a Facebook user anymore so have not seen your page on FB.

    tushay3 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  42. I'm a follower on Facebook, enjoy all your posts.

  43. I have not been to your Facebook page yet, but I am on my way!

  44. I have not been to your Facebook page yet, but I am on my way!

  45. Thank you for your giveaway. 3000 followers is quite a thing to celebrate! What a wonderful jellly roll!! Vibrant colors for a great summer quilt.

  46. I have visited on FB. Thanks for a chance to win! Love those prints.

  47. I just visited on FB. One of my favorite new collections is "Daysail", so fresh and original.

  48. Thank you for a chance to enter this generous giveaway. I have visited A Quilt Block A Day on Facebook -- I look forward to exploring more!!! "Daysail" is lovely -- hopefully, Spring is right around the corner!!

  49. I have not visited on Facebook. I still tend to read more on blogs as my Facebook page is clogged with all sorts of stuff.

  50. I have not visited on Facebook. I still tend to read more on blogs as my Facebook page is clogged with all sorts of stuff.

  51. Yes, I have visited and liked 'a quilt block a day' on Facebook! I am amazed at the things you do. :)

  52. I visited and liked your FB page. I don't do much on FB, but I have a few closed groups that I joined and that's why I check FB sometimes. There's not enough time in the day to FB, blog, sew and knit, LOL!!! The giveaway fabric is pretty and I will take a look at your quilt blocks too.

  53. I have visited on Facebook and I am a follower there and by email. Thank you for the chance to win a great prize. Have a wonderful day.

  54. Yes, I have visited A Quilt Block a Day on FB, as Kathy Newsom Davis.

  55. I've visited the FB page, thank you for hosting the giveaway! weitay at Gmail dot com

  56. I didn't know about the FB page, but I really only use facebook to keep up with old friends. I prefer the blogging community for all things quilty. Thanks for the heads-up!

  57. I don't do alot on Facebook but I have "liked" your page for awhile now! I really ilke your blog!

  58. I have visited A Quilt A Day, currently following to see what they post. Always love a new fabric fb page. So nice to see all the pretty fabric on my feed. Always brightens a difficult day.

  59. I'm not on facebook, so, no I haven't visited.
    jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com

  60. I follow your blog via email : )
    Look forward to your posts. You are always inspiration for me.

  61. lol...went to Facebook to see you and like you....apparently I like you alot...I have already liked you. Was one of the 3000 : )

  62. Holaaa, que buen consejo, un bloque al dia, asi si terminamos los ufo, muchas gracias

  63. Hi Marti - following you here and on facebook!
    Daysail looks gorgeous!

  64. 3000 followers is awesome! Thank you for the giveaway!! I follow on your blog and FB too.
    Blessings, Jessica

  65. I've been following your blog and now the FB page. Great giveaway, thanks.

  66. I love your blog and also your FB page! Thanks for this terrific opportunity!

  67. Congratulations on making that milestone on facebook! I canceled my facebook account about a year ago so haven't had a chance to visit your page. Thanks for the great giveaway and the chance to win.

  68. Thank you for the chance to win, even though I'm not a facebook user. Seems like we are left out if we decline that site. So, thanks for the opportunity to win the beautiful fabric. I want to try a quilt technique I saw on PBS.

  69. I was curious about the Block a Day facebook group so I visited the page. What a good idea! Anyway, I Liked and signed to follow along. Thanks for sharing!

  70. Congratulations on your milestone! I can understand why - you are an inspiring quilter! Yes, I like a Quilt Block a Day on Facebook! Thanks for the fun!

  71. FB page looks great. Love the ideas. Thank you!

  72. I "liked" your FB page and am signed up for notifications. A block a day sounds awesome. Am an Arizona winter snowbird and will head home to Canada at the end of the month. I do more quilting in Canada because the spring weather will be wet and dreary whereas here in Arizona it is so nice all the time, quilting has to wait!

  73. I've been following your blog and FB pages for some time. Love the inspiration! Thanks for the giveaway.

  74. I visited you on Facebook and I'm a fan too. I love this approach to quilting.

  75. Congratulations indeed on such a number! I admire your fortitude and creativity. I signed up on Facebook as I am always looking for new ways to share in the quilting community!

  76. Am just off to visit the facebook page now :) mrs katymarriott at gmail dot com

  77. Liked you on Facebook. I saw the picture of Samosa when he was a kitten ... soooooo cute. How is he doing today? Still a cuddler? Congratulations on 3,000 likes on FB!

  78. Neat giveaway! I visited A Quilt Block a Day on facebook and liked the page, too. :)

  79. I visited A Quilt Block A Day on Facebook and "liked" it! Thanks for the giveaway.

    lin.web.28 at gmail dot com

  80. Congrats on 3000! I am very inspired by you and all of the other quilters who send in photos. I've started following on Facebook. :)

  81. Congrats on 3000! I am very inspired by you and all of the other quilters who send in photos. I've started following on Facebook. :)

  82. Congratulations,that's an awesome milestone!

  83. What a great idea! Congratulations on 3000!

  84. Congratulations! I have visited you on FB and am a new follower. Thanks for the giveaway!

  85. CONGRATS ON 3000+ ! Happy to follow>Blog lovin' !
    THANKS for sharing a neat Jelly Roll Giveaway! Love "Daysail" and know it would make a darling quilt! Happy Stitching !

  86. I have not been to Quilt Block a Day on FB, but I'll check it out.

  87. Yes, I've 'liked' you on Facebook. And I DO like you!
    Thank you for the opportunity to win the Daysail Jelly Roll - very fun!

  88. I visited Quilt block a day on facebook and I watched your tutorial of the magic binding. I must give that a go as it looks terrific.

  89. I follow via facebook and blog. Love the blocks thanks for the giveaway.

  90. I haven't checked Facebook for the site yet, but I will now!

  91. I don't FB so I haven't seen your page - but I am enjoying looking through your blog, and envying your talent :)

  92. Checked out the page. Plan on participating in the Block a Day..Thanks
    P.S. How do you tell if you are a no reply follower?

  93. I read your blog and FB page, and really appreciate getting replies from you when I do comment. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  94. I visited! Thank you so much for the chance to win!

  95. I don't do Facebook so haven't seen the page, but I have been reading your blog posts with the quilt block a day. Thanks for the giveaway!

  96. I just liked a quilt block a day on fb. Now that I've commented I'm going back to check it out. I love the jelly roll. Thank you for the chance to win!

  97. I just "liked" your FB page. Congrats on the 3000 likes! I enjoy your blog and thanks for the giveaway. I love all of Bonnie and Camille's fabrics.

  98. Hi Aunt Marti, I've not been active on FB for quite some time until about a week ago. If I decide to stay on there, I'll go check out your page. Thank you for the fun giveaway!

  99. I've visited a quilt block a day on FB. Thanks for the chance to win!,

  100. I love Block A Day on FB and visit often. Thanks for another great giveaway!

  101. Yes I've been to your FB page and have liked it.

  102. I follow A Quilt Block a day, nice idea but hard for me to do. I can imagine how neat it would be to have 365 blocks.

  103. This comment has been removed by the author.

  104. I just checked out your FB page and it's great! :)

  105. Great blog and great idea to do a block a day. Would love to be the winner of the prize. Long may you continue.
    Helen Outen

  106. Hi, Marti - I do follow your blog and have "liked" A Quilt Block a Day on Facebook. I have taken so many ideas and much inspiration from your posts.

  107. Hi Marti, I love your blog. I have been following it for at 2 years now. You have many great tips and tutorials. Just liked Quilt Block a day on facebook.

  108. I can always use fabric. I love ready your blog.

  109. I don't do Facebook so I haven't checked out the page, I read here though. Congratulations on 3000 likes!

  110. I've liked you on FB now... and you can't go wrong with Bonnie & Camille fabrics in my book!

  111. I'd love to win this jelly roll, I can think of all sorts of things I'd use it for.

  112. I visited the facebook page. And clicked like. Now you have one more. I want that daysail. I am not suppose to buy fabric until I use more. But I could win some.

  113. Yes I visited the page! I would love to win this prize - am new to quilting and simply addicted, would love to win this prize!

    merryorganic at gmail dot com

  114. I just checked out the facebook page and I liked what I saw. I liked the page. Congratulations. I would like to win the prize. Thanks for giving us a chance. My email address is

  115. Thanks for the chance. I visited your facebook page, and I love your blog!

  116. Let's hope mine is the lucky number! Thanks for the chance to win! I have you on my Kobo reader bookmarked, so I read you all the time! Love the jelly roll!

  117. I visited and liked "A Quilt Block a Day" on Facebook. This is a great giveaway! Thank you for the chance and congratulations on the Facebook likes!
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  118. Daysail! I'm in. I don't use Facebook so didn't visit or like the page.

  119. I visited and liked you on Facebook. Daysail looks so happy!

  120. I visited and liked you on Facebook. Daysail looks so happy!

  121. I've never been to your FB before! I'm on my way to check it out now! Thanks for sharing!

  122. i visited you on facebook. thanks for the chance to win

  123. I visited you on Facebook!!! Happy Quilting!

  124. I just visited and liked your facebook page. Log cabins are a favorite of mine!

  125. Congratulations on surpassing 3000 likes! I've been to your page a few times. Thanks for the chance to win!

  126. I'm not a Facebook user...I've visited your blog several time. Love this line of fabric. Thanks for the chance to win some to sew with.

  127. Yes, i just visited the facebook page. I LOVE Daysail! debgirotti at gmail dot com

  128. I haven't actually visited the FB page, until today. I gave it a like so I can stay up to date from now on. Thanks for the chance. Congrats on 3,000 likes. That's awesome!

  129. I visited the FB page and liked it.

  130. Hi - its me!!! things have been chaotic but I'm off to visit the Facebook page...

  131. I haven't visited "A quilt Block A Day" but I shall right now!
    Thank you for the giveaway!

  132. I don't do facebook, but I'm enjoying the blog! Thanks for Daysail giveaway!

  133. Oh boy.. amazing giveaway! Like others have said, I don't have a Facebook account but follow you via this lovely blog. I hope that doesn't prevent me from entering. :)

  134. I visited and liked you on Facebook. A log cabin quilt is on my bucket list.

  135. I have not visited the FB page but will certainly check it out. The Daysails jelly roll looks lovely -- crossing my fingers!

  136. I have followed your blog and your facebook page "A Quilt Block a Day" for some time now. Enjoy reading them. Thanks for the chance to win this fantastic jelly roll.

  137. I do use Facebook. Love the colors in the jelly roll.

  138. I was just looking at Daysail this morning! Love it! I have visited and like your facebook page!

  139. I have visited Quilt Block in a Day FB page
    perry94022 at hotmail dot com

  140. Oh I don't use facebook any more, but I do use fabric! Thanks for a chance to win!

  141. What a lovely giveaway! I haven't visited your Facebook page. Yet.

  142. What a wonderful prize. I haven't looked on Facebook, but will be going there now.

  143. Yes, I visited the Quilt Block a Day on FB.

  144. I've been a follower on FB for quite a while, and following along with the UFO challenges so far this year! So far I'm 3 for 3! Thanks for all the motivation!

  145. I've been a follower on FB for quite a while, and following along with the UFO challenges so far this year! So far I'm 3 for 3! Thanks for all the motivation!

  146. I enjoy your blog and Facebook page. I would love to win the roll.

  147. I am not on Favebook but enjoy the blog. Thank you!

  148. I am on Facebook and have seen your page!

  149. I did visit A Quilt Block a Day and I 'Liked' them. Great log cabin blocks there.
    perry94022 at hotmail dot com

  150. Actually, I have visited A Quilt Block A Day on Facebook!

  151. Have visited you on Facebook. Thank you for your wonderful tutorials!! I am making my first quilt, top done, now time to put it together & quilt it. Love your way of binding by machine with no hand sewing. Thanks again. Sharleen Field
    I am on your email list.

  152. Thanks for the wonderful tutorials. You are up to 3098 on F/B this morning. Not sure if I double - dipped. :)

  153. I'm sorry not on Facebook but love the blog!!

  154. I'm sorry not on Facebook but love the blog!!

  155. I really like Bonnie and Camille Fabrics. I am not a Facebook person; just blogging keeps me busy enough.


Thanks for taking your time to comment. If I don't answer in an email, it's because you're a no-reply commenter and I can't find you!