Monday, April 28, 2014

A Quilt Block a Day: The 40th Day

Can you believe Spring is nearly half over? If you're doing the "Quilt Block a Day" challenge with the Facebook group, today you should have 40 "Bethlehem Star" blocks in your pile.

I inherited the "Quilt Block a Day" page from one of my quilting heroes, Karen Snyder of AnnaLenaLand. I enjoyed her challenge so much, I just couldn't let it go. So I asked, and Karen agreed that I would take over the "Block a Day" group.

I've kept up with my blocks so far, and my quilt top is nearly half finished! It's not necessary to sew your blocks together in rows as they're made -- I just did that so it would be easier to show them off at Front Range Modern Quilt Guild.

I spread the four rows out on a Full-sized bed, and this quilt will fit perfectly. It's so much fun to just reach into the bin of low-volume prints and sew them together as they come!

If you'd like to make some Bethlehem Star blocks, here is the post with the tutorial. Please don't worry about being behind -- just begin from where you are right now!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature


  1. That is coming out so cool! I actually took on your block a day challenge for a few days... I will try again as soon as I get caught up. But I did get 8 machine applique blocks done in 8 days!

    1. Wow, Deb, 8 applique blocks in 8 days! That is impressive!

  2. That looks fantastic - well done! Gill

    1. Thanks, Gill. I'm loving the low volume background!

  3. Am I missing the pattern for the Block of the Day. I am new to this.


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