Friday, January 24, 2014

Fast Friday Finish

One week from fabric purchase to in-the-mail! I think that's a record!

The first 12th birthday quilt of 2014 is ready to mail. It's for a great-nephew (or do you say grand-nephew?) who turns 12 next month. I asked his Daddy about a favorite color, and he told me Max is a big Chicago Bears fan.

Like I should know the color of the Chicago Bears' uniforms (they're a football team, right?)!

Conveniently enough, the colors for the Chicago Bears is the same as that of the Denver Broncos. Thank you, Google! I decided Max needs a "modern" quilt, and Sassafras Lane had just the pattern, "Wiley Way."

Kristy's directions are so well written, the quilt went together in two days. Would have been one day, but I ran out of Navy blue Northcott Solid. SO glad Ruth's Stitchery is only two miles away!

Colorado Springs received several inches of fluffy snow last night, so I had to take the photo inside. Sorry the entire quilt isn't visible! Here is the photo from the Sassafras Lane website, so you can see how the chevrons cross the quilt on the diagonal. Isn't it fun?

I quilted it on my Juki, stitching just inside the seamlines on the orange stripes and four times across the navy. Here's a shot of the backing -- and of course, Susie's Magic Binding!

Wiley Way is Quilt #3 for 2014. Good thing Strip Club is next Friday at High Country Quilts, I should be able to finish #4 just in time!

Linking up to Thank Goodness It's Finished Friday, this week at Quilty Habit.

LAFF - Richard and Tanya Quilts

And Link-a-Finish Friday at Richard and Tanya Quilts.

Tomorrow is the big "Grow Your Blog" event. I have a spectacular giveaway, please come back and enter!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature


  1. Love the orange prints. Please tell me what is Susie's magic Binding ?~! I must have missed that post or link, please catch me up. I looked at the binding and I love it - it looks like a matted picture. Quite unusual in my experience.

    1. Look at the right hand column on this page, under "Popular Posts." The very first one is a tutorial on Susie's Magic Binding. It's incredible!

  2. Ooooh, it looks fabulous, Marti. I love how the zigzags are done on the diagonal too. Brilliant! :o)

  3. It looks great and the fabrics are perfect.

  4. Perfect quilt for a young man! Love your oranges.

  5. That's fast. I think that is the best pattern ever for a footy quilt - and the bonus of having the club fabric on the back....that might be hard to do here,...though maybe you can get quilt covers and use them.

  6. Oh Bears quilt nice!! Love the chevrons,


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