Wednesday, December 4, 2013

WIP Wednesday: Celtic Mystery

Have you told me where you live yet? Please go to this post and comment so I can "pin" you on my map!

Ruth's Stitchery sponsored a "Bonnie Hunter Sew-In" on Friday. I took my Celtic Mystery fabrics and Tri-Recs rulers and cut and sewed.  For seven hours!  It shouldn't have taken that long to piece 188 Tri-Recs blocks, maybe I spent too much time talking to customers!

Here it is, Step 1 completed:

Blue on orange:

And blue on neutrals:

I am using the same fabric for all my neutrals. It's white with multi-colored dots. Notice anything wrong with my blue and neutral blocks?

Nine rows of ten. Plus five. Supposed to be six. That's why it's a good idea to hang all your blocks on the design wall and count!

Linking up to Celtic Solstice Mystery Monday Link-Up #1:

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Linking up to WiP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced with guest host Cindy of Hyacinth Quilt Designs.

Baby, it's cold outside in Colorado -- high of ten degrees today. Hope you're keeping warm!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature


  1. Beautiful! I am quite intrigued by what comes next in the mystery and love following it online.

  2. I can not wait to see what this all turns into.... love the blue and orange.

  3. Oh, my, that is a lot of tri-rec blocks! It will be amazing to see your finished quilt.

  4. It looks like it's going to be amazing, Marti! :o)

  5. Construction wise - they look like Flying Geese!!! apart from one short - I cant see anything wrong woth the blues - maybe I need a magnifying glass....7 hours - and I assume there is more to

  6. This looks like it's going in a great direction! I love blue and orange together.

  7. I agree with the above comments. Fantastic job! Looking forward to the finished surprise. Thanks for sharing. Blessings and smiles, Emilou :-)

  8. The blocks are looking great. I love Bonnie's mystery quilts but haven't made one yet. This will be another great quilt when it's finished.


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