Monday, December 9, 2013

Design Wall Monday: Celtic Solstice Mystery

Part 2, Bonnie Hunter's Celtic Solstice Mystery.

Whew! 100 chevrons that finish at 3"! Glad I had a beautiful view of Pikes Peak covered with snow today, because I stitched, trimmed, pressed and squared-up for five hours!

 I love putting my my finished mystery steps on the design wall to admire:

Tomorrow I must finish this table runner! I'm not happy with the way the border print looks, but I don't have time to experiment with something different. Maybe it will look better when the other two sides are sewn on!?!

Linking up to Bonnie's Celtic Solstice Mystery, Part 2.


The temperature in Colorado Springs is supposed to get above freezing tomorrow -- here's hoping!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature


  1. I thought I was almost finished with step 1 then recounted. I have to make 27 more. I am hoping to start on step 2 tomorrow after work. I guess I will be behind this mystery and playing catch-up. Oh well..

  2. I actually like your table runner, nice job on the Chevrons too!

    1. Thanks, Donna -- I woke in suddenly in the night with the solution to my table runner problem. Stay tuned for the reveal!

  3. Oh brrrrr. I think the runner looks great as do your Solstice blocks.

  4. Thats a lot of work..but its also a great view - if you are inside of course!

  5. What a wonderful photo, I bet it is cold though. We are patiently waiting for summer to kick in here in Melbourne. Love the table runner, best wishes, Wendy

    1. It's supposed to get above freezing today -- I may even leave the house!

  6. I think your table runner looks great, but I am in awe of all those chevrons...WOW!! xx debbie

  7. Your chevrons are yummy, and the runner looks wonderful with that border.

  8. That's a whole lot of chevron action you've got going on there! Very jealous of that view of yours.

  9. Pues a mi me encanta tu camino de mesa!!!

  10. That view rocks the house. Awaiting the big reveal on the table runner.

  11. The chevrons look fab, Marti - as does your view! :o)

  12. Greetings from Wisconsin. It's been below 0 here for several days! However, it does keep me inside working on Celtic Solstice. Yours look great as does the table runner. I have only 40 Chevrons finished.

  13. Hello from Arizona, found you via Sarah @ confessions of a fabric addict. Hope to get my design wall up today. Good idea for job satisfaction!

  14. Looks like you are ready for Part 3...HSTs in orange and yellow! I'm set for starting later today when my weekend starts... I like the border for the table runner. Not anywhere near your temperatures here in San Diego, CA, but it is still cold for us. Sandi


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