Friday, February 8, 2013

February UFO in Electric Quilt

The best thing about being on Quiltmakers' Scrap Squad is, it has forced me to use my Electric Quilt (design) program!

I cut this pattern out of the January/February '07 Quiltmaker, called "Right & Left."  Since I didn't buy the setting kit for my Buck-a-Block quilt, I had to come up with a setting design on my own.  Remarkably enough, the red fabric in my Buck-a-Blocks is a standard Robert Kaufman fabric, "Fusion."  Kaufman has issued seven versions of this fabric in various colors over the years!

EQ7 has a built-in block design just like "Right and Left."  All I had to do was adjust the size and change the coloration.  EQ7 even includes cutting directions and yardage requirements!

Here is my design in EQ7:

And here is what the first few setting blocks look like:

Really, there is more difference between the gold and the green -- it's hard to take good photos at night.  I think it is so cool how the secondary pattern develops.

Tomorrow I'm off on another road trip, this time to the Rocky Mountain Sew Expo in Denver.  I'll make it a quick trip to beat tomorrow night's snow!

How is your February UFO project coming along?

From the desk of your auntmartisignature


  1. Oooh, this looks good, Marti. Have a safe trip!

  2. It's looking good. Have a safe trip.

  3. February's UFO is completed! (It was probably the easiest of the 13 I packaged!) However I still eed to do the binding on January's quilt.

    1. Hooray for you, Irene! Be sure to send me a photo when you can.

  4. That software is very clever... I hope you can stay out of the snow & storms.

  5. Wow helpful computer software! Excellent! Have a safe trip and stay warm (not really a problem I have here in Adelaide!)


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