Also, yesterday I learned to make feathers on the longarm! Well, sort of. It's not my best thing.
I took a class from DeLoa Jones at NaLa's Quilt Shoppe in Fountain. We spent the morning mastering (not) feathers -- but really, with a lot more practice, I think I will be able to quilt feathers. I didn't think to take any photos, so you'll just have to take my word for it.
DeLoa was recently named the Machine Quilters Exposition Teacher of the Year. And a good choice she is, because she really is a most excellent teacher. You know that a good designer isn't always a good teacher, but DeLoa is both!
In the afternoon we learned about using rulers and stencils -- look what I made:
I know -- it looks like a big piece of freezer paper with pencil marks. Which it is. Also, it's my own design from quilting stencils, learning how to combine various stencils and size the designs for the border of a quilt. I can't wait to try using stencils for my own quilting!
Since it's Friday, here is the "Finish it up Friday" quilt top for this week. This is the Strip Club sample for the June quilt Both the pattern and the fabric are from Fig Tree & Co. The pattern is "Kiss Me," the "Jardin" option (that is, no applique'). The fabric is Callifornia Girl. (Shoulda waited for the taller quilt holder, huh?)
I think this one will go to a favorite California Girl, who was my very first follower on 52 Quilts in 52 Weeks!
From the desk of your

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