The pattern is "Chevron News" by Brigitte Heitland of Zen Chic for Moda. The original pattern calls for "Citrine" -- bright yellow -- but since I'm making it for an Air Force Academy graduate, I decided to use royal blue as the accent color.
There's a bit of a story behind this one. While I was in Texas last summer, I ordered a half-yard bundle of Zen Chic's "Paper" from Fat Quarter shop. I didn't have a plan for it, I just liked it. And it's OK to buy it just because you think it's pretty (thus saith the Elder Son. Smart guy, huh?(.
When May 1 rolled around and I realized I had one month to finish Blake's graduation quilt -- fast pattern to the rescue! First, I had to buy assorted yardage of "Ink" for the dark HSTs. Ruth's Stitchery to the rescue! I cut the required 10" squares. stitched those puppies together on my 1500 stitchesperinch Juki (her name is Zippy) and started to trim.
Then, this happened:
You know, the funny thing is, it didn't start to bleed immediately. When I realized I had caught the edge of my finger with the rotary cutter, I held it up and said, "Damn, that's going to hurt." Can you tell I was cutting with my left hand? Thanks to Barb Shie, I can cut with either hand.
Lucky for me, the cut wasn't too deep. So I finished up the quilt yesterday, and it's going to Denise to long-arm tomorrow. And it's still more than two weeks until graduation!
The moral of the story: Don't watch sad movies while trimming blocks!
From the desk of your