Friday, August 29, 2014

She's a Winner!

I'm pleased to announce the winner of the 600 Followers giveaway is Lyndsey of the United Kingdom!

Rafflecopter is so easy to use for giveaways -- one option on the dashboard is "choose a winner!"

Lyndsey is a long-time 52 Quilts follower, she blogs at Sew Many Yarns. Here's what she said about making modern quilts:

As soon as I have Lyndsey's email address in hand, this lovely book will be winging its way to England to enhance Lyndsey's modern quilt making! And look, there is Kari's autograph!

Faith at Fresh Lemon Quilts wrote an great review of the book. If you're sad that you're not the winner, you can buy your own copy at Connecting Threads. And if you want to see what else Kari is up to, she blogs at Craft-Happy.

Congratulations, Lyndsey. And thank you to everyone who commented and follows 52 Quilts in 52 Weeks!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Giveaway Lesson Learned

OK, so Rafflecopter considers midnight August 28 to be Thursday night. That's why the military uses 0000 hours as midnight -- so one knows it belongs to the next day!

If you haven't entered my giveaway for this:

go to last Thursday's post and enter now!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

600 Followers Giveaway

Alert, alert! The 600 Followers giveaway is for ALL followers, however you follow. I hope no one thinks you must follow via Bloglovin' to enter the giveaway!

Which ends at midnight tonight, so hurry to this post to enter.

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

WIP Wednesday: Back in the (sewing) Saddle Again

Now I know why it's been years since I've done any fashion sewing -- I'm just not shaped like the patterns anymore!

 I finished the dress I will wear to the wedding of my BFF's son:

I have more of a waist than this photo make it look. Apparently if one has "hips," one's boobs should be closer to one's waist than to one's shoulders. I had to virtually re-draft this pattern to get the darts in the right place.  It would have taken less time to just design my own pattern! It's Simplicity 6262 and the fabric is "Petal Poetry" for Exclusively Quilters. I'll get a selfie wearing it on Saturday at the wedding.

Now that "the dress" is finished, I can go back to quilting! First up is "Missouri Star," for one of the members of the 2013 Quiltmaker Magazine Scrap Squad. I think I should have reversed the dark/light pieces, but it still looks like a star, right?

Thursday at midnight is the last chance to enter my "600 Followers on Bloglovin' Giveaway." Go to last Thursday's post to enter using the Rafflecopter widget. The prize is an autographed copy of Lucky Spool's Essential Guide to Modern Quilt Making. Of course, international entries are welcome!

Linking up to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced.

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

I forgot to share my Hats for Sailors knitting with you last week. I will tomorrow, I promise!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature

Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Fastest De-Stash

I've been test-sewing a bag this week, so I haven't added a thing to the stash -- gasp!

Since I have bags on my mind, I decided to offer this little bag "kit" for this week's de-stash.

This de-stash is so small, it should fit in a first-class envelop. So the postage will be only $2 US.  If you'd  like to try your hand at making a bag -- and help me de-stash at the same time -- just comment on this post with your PayPal address and zip code. I'll send you an invoice for the postage, and when I receive the payment, it will go in the mail to you!!

Have you commented on my 600 Bloglovin' Followers post yet? The prize is special, an autographed copy of Lucky Spool's Essential Guide to Modern Quilt Making.

Comment here using Rafflecopter for a chance to win! It's the first time I've used Rafflecopter to host a giveaway, and it seems to be working fine. The biggest problem is no-reply commenters. If you're not sure your email links to your comments, please just add your email in the comment. Or send me an email at AuntMarti at 52Quilts dot com and I'll add you to my address list.  It will break my heart if the Rafflecopter chooses a no-reply commenter as the winner, and I can't find you!

My dress for next weekend's wedding is nearly finished -- I should be able to get back to quilting tomorrow!

From the desk of your auntmartisignature