So time went by, and I brought home my own long-arm machine, Meggie. I put off quilting the quilt "until I got better at long-arming."
Now Judd and Yvette have celeberated their second anniversary, and it't time to send them their quilt (especially since both his brothers already got a wedding quilt!) I dragged it out of the "to be quilted" pile and realized the fabric I had for the backing was too small. So off to Ruth's Stitchery to buy some 108" wide backing fabric.
I prepared the backing, and realized my usual cotton batting is too narrow! (This would be my hint that this is a really big quilt, wouldn'tjathink?) Luckily, Connie Potter sold me a roll of 108" wide Hobbs 80/20 a couple of years ago.
It's only at this point that I thought about how wide my machine table is vs. how long the quilt is. I wanted the quilting to run vertically on the quilt, so it would have to be loaded on the table horizontally.
Or about 10" longer than my table is wide.
So I loaded it vertically and quilted "triangle meandering" on it, and it turned out very nicely, thank you!
I didn't think to take a close-up of the quilting, so you'll just have to take my word for it! It's already in the mail to the "newlyweds!"
I hope Judd and Yvette forgive me for taking so long to get their quilt finished!
From the desk of your