This project will fill my Scrappy Sundays for weeks to come. "Completely Dotty" is from the February 2004 issue of American Patchwork and Quilting. I started collecting polka dot fabrics seven years ago!

This is a paper-pieced project, a technique I don't especially like. I made the paper foundations years ago, so the most tedious part of the project is complete. I miss my youngest son, who was my "foundation paper remover." But at quilt retreat in April, I learned a neat trick from Marilyn of
Cindy's Quilt Shop in Caldwell, Idaho. Here's how it works: after sewing all the seams on the paper foundation and trimming the block, put the block paper-side-up on a terry cloth towel (or well padded ironing board). Then take a chopstick and run the wide end of the chopstick along the seam. The paper will tear away easily and when removed, won't disturb your stitches. Be sure to use a larger size needle (I use a size 14 for paper piecing) and smaller stitch (2.0 or even 1.5) when sewing paper foundation blocks.
And I have this cool "Dots" lunch box to store my pieces in until they're all sewn to the foundations!
Here is my first finished block -- except for the center. The pattern shows a variety of circles for the center, including spiral applique' or plain colored circles. I haven't decided what I will use, but I have eleven more blocks to make before I have to choose.
Looks like Sundays will be Completely Dotty for awhile!